Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Help! My Phone is possessed

I got to get myself a new cell phone. The speaker is broken. When talking on the phone with someone, it sounds like I'm talking with Satan. That's scary. Maybe Lucifer is really trying to contact me. And to think of all those nights spent in the woods.
I'm never really sure what exactly the other person is saying. I have to go "excuse me" all the time. After 11 "excuse me's" they tend to get pissed and hang up. When I meet them, they ask me what the fuck is wrong with me. I ask them, "Is that a vain in your forehead, or are you just really pissed to see me"? I tell them the truth as I want to see it. The phone is possessed, I say. At nights, it wakes me up and says all kinds of mean things. Like, "Toy with me", "I want to talk right now".
Although, it gets a totally different meaning when said by a woman.
It's Siemens, what else can you expect.


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