
Just a little update on the news here in Norway. Just after a few hours as a tourist in Oslo, the Swede, Ibrahim Batika was hit in the back of his head with a heavy metal pipe.
Without any notice, Batika was hit in the head with a metal pipe. He fell on the ground and was unconscious on one of Oslos busy streets.
The turkish born offender who attacked Batika, attacked the wrong person. He had mistaken Batika for a person who had beaten up his brothers.
You can watch the video that was caught on tape here:
The blow ruined my life, said Batika.
-He was going to become a dentist.
Batika describes the attack:
It felt like the entire brain was a bouncing basketball.
*Head injuries. Short term memory is gone.
*Neck injuries.
*Impaired field of vision.
*Can't lift heavy objects with his damaged hand.
Blow number two smashed his arm, while trying to protect him self.
- The doctor at the hospital said he was lucky he survived.
Wednesday the offender had to show up in court for his cruel acts. He was prosecuted and has to spend 2 years in prison. He only got two years for ruining another persons life.
I think the fucker should at least get 5-10 years in prison. 2 years is nothing.
The chances are he is going to offend again.
The sentence for crimes like that in Norway are low, too low.
There have been many cases like that in the past where the offender got 2 years top.
The most reason one, the victim almost died. He is now in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He is not able to take care of him self. He was beaten up by a gang of 4-5 people. Most of them got 6 month in jail, while another one got 1-2 years.
If you've ever thought about becoming a criminal, now is the time.
I did check it out. You say you are a web designer. Well it does not show. Even I, who's not a web designer could do better than that.
Your web site looks like shit. Too much infor on the same page.
If you were a designer, like you claim to be. You would know you should only have chuncks of info on each page. Not everything on one page.
Your web site screams amature. It does not look profesional. What tha fuck am I talking about. You are a web designer, you know this shit better than me.
Anonymouce nr. 1, I forgive you. Your site looks pro compared to the retard number 2.
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