Saturday, September 03, 2005

The baby

I'm gonna be a father, whether I like it or not. Well I don't. I'm barely a grown up my self. I would say I still fall under the kid category. Taking care of a child, I don't know if I can do that. I mean, one time my mom asked my to watch out for her flowers while she was gone. I could not even do that. They need water and shit, who knew. This is a human we are talking about. The baby probably needs more than water. I don't know, it could be anyone's guess really.
I think that one should be happy when one is going to become a parent. I'm not happy. The more I think about it, the more depressed I get. I'm not being selfish. I do not think it is right to bring a child into this world that is not wanted. Call me an asshole. Call me what ever you want. By now, I'm use to the name dropping. Mother could be very cruel.
I got 2 options now. I could leave her, which I don't want to do. Or I could pretend to be a happy father.
And they say birth control pills are the safest. Safest my aching ass. It's kinda the same when congress received anthrax. "You go on about your lives. You will be perfectly safe. We will be miles away".


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