Friday, May 06, 2005


Check out this video clip:
At least we know they are hardworking.

PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Ethical means moral or proper which differs for every person. Its something you discuss.
It's sad when animals are tortured. Sadly, that is the case is some countries.
PETA wants animals to live like humans. To set all animals free onto the streets. They try to accomplish these goals by harassing, threatening people, and funneling the money to people who strike matches and throw bombs.
Seems to me, these people are more like a religion. They operate like a cult.
If you want to set all animals loose onto the streets. I'm saying no baby. You do not want an 800 pound horny gorilla as your neighbor. When it's spring time the gorilla goes,"I'm gonna fuck you until you love me baby". What are you gonna do? Bring a picnic basket and stay for the day? No, you call the cops. But they would be,"Fuck that, I'm out of here". They will be miles away. Even the Taliban are going, "You are some crazy motherfuckers". Some horny bastard might go,"Could be fun".
The world is not a Disney movie where the lion signs a song to the zebra, and later on they make out in the bushes. If it were, I would be making out with Betty Boop.
What a wonderful dream


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