Miracle Wallet

Miracle wallet

The latest thing in magic today is a wallet that can bend coins. Isn't that something? To bend a coin using a wallet.
Why would I need a wallet to bend coins?
Wouldn't pliers be more handy? And how the heck are you going to bend coins using a wallet? To me that seems to be a better trick. If it was the other way around, pliers to bend a coin. Not that impressive.
Then again, pliers would be more suspicious then a wallet. If you pull out a set of pliers and go "Oh look the coin is bent".
Maybe not a bad trick after all.
Look closley at the picture. Paul's probably going "If you only knew what finger I was showing you".
this is interesting... :D i guess the wallet will pass the security airport then?? :D
Dear Stupid... I mean, uh, Kotkin: The word is Than, not Then.
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