Monday, March 21, 2005

The Father of Modern Magic

I thought I write a little about Robert Houdin.

Robert Houdin was born december 7 1805 in France. He was the father of modern magic. Before he cam along, magicians were basicly street performerse. They were consideret crooks, criminals and no one would assosiated with them.
By the late 1840 Houdin had put watch making aside and dedicated him self to magic. He did magic diffrently. Utilizing his watch making skills he brought atonetoms into his act. One of the atonetoms was an orange tree. He would borrow a bill from a from a gentelman and a ring from a lady. He would place them into a hanky and then set it on fire. The tree started to grove oranges. They were real oranges. He would take one orange and toss it to the gentalman and inside would be his signed bill. The orange on top of the tree would crack open and butterflies would fly out of it with the hanky and the ring attached to the hanky.

Robet Houdin took magic off the streets and brought it to the theater. He changed the very nature of magic. Magic was becomming a respectical theatrical art for the upper classes. Magicians were becomming celebrities.

In 1854 he desided to put magic aside and become a writer to study electrisety. The french goverment had diffrent ideas however. What was to follow was going to be one of the most legendary stories of magic. How a magician ended a war.

The french at that time were occupying the algeers wich where know as the Marabous who claimed that they had magical powers. They pulled theyre teeth out and put them back in and said I have magical powers and you dont. I now rule your country. Houdin picked up an apple and said fire. He caught the bullet with the apple. That did not impress them enough so he said fire again and this time he caught it between his teeth.

The trick that really stoped the killing was the Light and Heavy Chest. He cast a spell over a man who showed he was such a powerfull magician. He could take away the mans strenght and the man could no longer pick up the box.
He stoped a lot of killing with a single magic show, now thats amazing. However on June 13 1871 the great magician past away. His legacy however carried on.

I hope you learned some thing and enjoyed reading it.


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