Friday, April 15, 2005


I do not do drugs. I use to though. I did it once or twice. I just wanted to see what the fuss was about. For you still wondering, it's nothing special. Other then that it enhances your tastes, sensations, colors and you look fucking goofy. You think you are on top of the world. Wrong. You are lucky if you can find your own god damn feet.
What really annoys me are those patronizing people. "Oh, you do drugs because you think it's cool". I can't stand that. Yes I do drugs because I think it's cool, and I want to have a lot of friends. But now, most of my friends are either in rehab or jail.
People like that piss me off.
caffeine is a drug I enjoy and use on a regular basis. When I'm hopped up on caffeine, it kinda feels like when you have drunken a lot of alcohol. The only difference is, you don't get those phone calls the next day like, "I took a piss on your dog"? Well Jr had it coming. The dog has been pissing on my lawn for the past 2 years. So here's a little switch, I'm gonna piss on Jr for the next couple of weekends.


Blogger kotkin said...

Yes,yes and a thousand times yes.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering she's left more than one comment, Kotkin, it kinda looks like Pussy's addicted to you.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

I do drugs. And often. But just pot.

Pot doesn't make me a moron. It doesn't make me unmotivated. It doesn't make me eat all night long. But I like what it does do.

Do I care that you don't do them? Not at all. There are a lot of people in this world that I don't want doing drugs.

But not everybody who does do them has the "I'm cooler than you because I do them" attitude you speak of.

Different strokes for different folks, you know?

Whatever turns the crank.

And your photo above this? Fucking hilarious. Sweet. Me likey lots.

9:41 AM  

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