Monday, November 14, 2005

Gone Mental

This is something I just started thinking about. Doing an Invisible deck routine using a regular deck.

The basic is this. Before the show, you reverse one card in the deck and that's it. When you start out ask someone to name a card. If they don't name the correct card. You could go on and say something like, "Because you chose the 9 of diamonds it tells me something about you. You are a very kind and thoughtful person. You follow directions very well. Just the kinda person I need for this next effect...Etc.
By saying that the audience is not aware that you just failed a trick.The chances are 1 out of 52 and you got nothing to loose.
Off course you could narrow it down by naming different cards. Like, you tell them to not think of the ace of spades because everyone picks that one, and picture cards are too easy. Pick a card I would not think of. By saying that you have eliminated the aces, the picture cards and the spades. Now you have narrowed it down to a cards from 2 to 10.

You could ask them to build up the card in their mind. Tell them to first think of a color. A color that radiates a lot of warmth and happiness. You are trying to influence them to pick hearts, without mentioning the word hearts.
The most common chosen number between 2 and 10 is 7. There is a big chance that they will name the 7 of hearts.
You could off course reverse all the 7 in the deck, in case the named the 7 of diamonds instead of hearts. So that way you have an out. A matter of fact you have 2 outs.
This is not something I have tried. Only something I've pondered about.


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